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Excellence in Education

District News

Posts 1-25 of 279

Rolling Hills Second Graders Get Science Lesson from 19-Foot-Tall, Inflatable Earth

The guest educator highlighted the types of creatures that live in different ecosystems

CHS Ninth Grader Places in State Transportation Safety Poster Contest

CHS ninth grader Risha S. won first place in Suffolk County and second place in the state

CHS Health Students Create Gratitude Cards while Channeling Mindfulness

The students used shaving cream and food dye to create a tie-dyed effect on the outside of the cards

150 College and Universities, Plus Career and Transition Representatives, Greet Families at Fair

CHS students and their families came away better informed about their post-graduation options

CHS Students Draw Artistic Inspiration at Quogue Wildlife Preserve

The students got an up-close look at a box turtle, western hog-nosed snake, chinchilla, veiled chameleon and Vietnamese stick bug

North Ridge Second Graders Perform in Spring Concert

The primary school veterans sang classics including "Good Morning," "Rocky Mountain," "As You Walk Through the World" and "Do-Re-Mi"

Tenth Graders Experience Sobering Tour of Concentration Camp via VR

The students are being given virtual reality headsets during their AP World and Global 10 social studies classes for the immersive journey

District-Wide Band Night Draws Ovations

Join us back at CMS on April 2 for Jazz Night and on April 9 for Vocal Night. Both district-wide concerts begin at 7 p.m.

Budget Workshop #2 - March 27, 2025

In accordance with the provisions of the “Open Meetings Law,” the Board of Education of the Commack Union Free School District shall hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.

Relatives Visit Rolling Hills First Graders on Career Day

The occupations represented included police officers, a firefighter, financial auditor, media buyer, physical therapist, doctor and DJ

American Sign Language Students Tour Primary, Intermediate Schools for Disability Awareness Month

The ASL students read aloud and signed the book, "Sophie's Tales, Learning to Listen"

Seven CHS filmmakers Joined by Dr. Cox for Premiere of 'Names, Not Numbers'

The students interviewed Holocaust survivors Sol Ginzburg and Edith Gross for the project

Commack Volunteer Ambulance Corps Visits CHS to Teach Cardiology Topics

The EMTs brought a LUCAS device that does the chest compressions for patients in cardiac arrest and had the students operate it

District Celebrates Chamber Orchestras with String Night

CMS will host a district-wide Jazz Night on April 2 and Vocal Night on April 9, both at 7 p.m.

Burr Hosts 'Power of Words' as Students, Teacher Read on Stages

“Your superpower is your voice,” principal Dan Ciccone said. “Share your words.”

SCOPE Honors Superintendent Dr. Jordan Cox with Administrator Service Award

Dr. Cox was recognized for Commack’s innovative approach to education

Wood Park Goes Green in Advance of Earth Day

Not only were the primary students dressed in the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, they also did their part to help the environment

Adam Graves Inspires CMS Sports Management Students with Talk on Leadership

Graves discussed the importance of leadership traits including having humility and being respectful and inclusionary

CHS' Peter Myers Appointed to State Financial Literacy Advisory Committee

Commack truly is paving the way for financial literacy curriculum to be implemented throughout the state

Five CHS Researchers Earn Grand Awards in Long Island Science & Engineering Fair

Mehek S. advances to the International Science and Engineering Fair in Columbus, Ohio, in May

Student Leaders Head to Albany to Advocate for Commack

The legislative advocacy committee met with state senator Mario Mattera and assemblymen Keith Brown and Michael Fitzpatrick

CHS Junior Earns Girl Scouts' Gold Award

Samantha S. devoted more than 80 hours to completing her service project, which involved creating a sustainable fruit and vegetable garden

Spanish Honor Society Visits Manhattan for Performance, Cuisine

The CHS students watched “En El Tiempo de las Mariposas” at the Repertorio Español

English Honor Society Students Decorate 'Limerick Lane'

The students wrote their own limericks and researched and reprinted others

CHS Engineers Prove Sturdy Performers at Brookhaven National Laboratory Bridge Competition

The construction and testing of model bridges promotes the study and application of principles of physics and engineering