We would like to invite you to be a part of the Commack Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA). SEPTA’s primary function is to offer information, resources and support to parents, students, educators, and those who are interested in supporting quality education for children with special needs.
If your child receives speech, counseling, resource room, reading, occupational therapy, physical therapy or if your child is in a special education class, inclusion class or out of district placement, you should be a member of SEPTA. We aim to foster opportunities that bring together parents and educators of our community and encourage a sense of unity. It is our hope that you will join and be an active member in our SEPTA organization.
What is SEPTA?
SEPTA – is a PTA within a school district bringing together people interested in children with educational needs that cannot be met in the regular classroom setting.
Organized to support, strengthen and promote a greater awareness of special education.
Encourage and promote an understanding of students' needs, while striving to discover and implement ways of best meeting them.
What Are SEPTA's Goals?
To insure each child the best possible program which will allow him/her to reach full potential. To bring together parents and teachers of all special children regardless of their specific needs, in order to share the experiences involved in educating their children. We promote effective communication between parents, teachers, administrators, and students by seeking and then providing accurate information and resources.
We encourage everyone whose child receives any service from the Commack School District to join SEPTA. SEPTA is a collective group of volunteers who understand the struggles and support one another. We would like to invite you to be a part of Commack SEPTA. BY joining SEPTA your membership helps us to provide programs and scholarships for graduating special education students. Even if you don't have children receiving services, please join to help us promote disabilities awareness district wide and our other advocacy efforts for our children.
Please fill out a membership form today.
Commack SEPTA is always looking for volunteers for committee positions for the school year. If you are interested in helping, please complete the google form:
SEPTA Committee Form
Thank you for your support, and looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting!
Nicole Goldstein
SEPTA President
We are a 501 C-3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to enriching the lives of students and families with special needs children.
Meeting Dates
All in person SEPTA meetings will be held at Cedar Road School.
Cedar Road School is located at 178 Cedar Road, East Northport.
9/30/24 @ 7:00 pm
10/29/24 @ 7:00 via Zoom
11/19/24 @ 7:00 pm
1/21/25 @ 7:00 pm
2/25/25 @ 7:00 pm via Zoom
3/24/25 @ 7:00 pm
4/29/25 @ 7:00 pm via Zoom
5/27/25 @ 7:00 pm
Membership Form
Join NOW!
Special Education Transitional Services
SEPTA Facebook Page
Commack SEPTA Facebook Support Group
Commack PTA Council
SEPTA Bylaws 2022