March 4, 2025
CHS Celebrates Success of Winter Student-Athletes
Wrestler Brady C. and girls basketball guard Sofia V. were selected athletes of the winter season
Badminton |
Head Coach |
Email Address |
Varsity |
Jesus Valdes |
jvaldes@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
Jackie DelliSanti |
jdellisanti@commack.k12.ny.us |
Baseball |
Varsity |
Matthew Salmon |
msalmon@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
George Kearnes |
gkearnes@commack.k12.ny.us |
JV |
James Desmond |
jdesmond@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS Gold |
Jon Miale |
jmiale@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS White |
James Cardinale |
jcardinale@commack.k12.ny.us |
Flag Football |
Varsity |
Augie Contressa |
acontressa@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
Andrew Mayrick |
amayrick@commack.k12.ny.us |
Golf (Girls) |
Varsity |
Timothy Kunz |
tkunz@commack.k12.ny.us |
Gymnastics (Girls) |
MS |
JoAnna Judge |
jjudge@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS Assistant |
Kristen Pepe |
kpepe@commack.k12.ny.us |
Lacrosse (Boys) |
Varsity |
William Grant |
wgrant@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
Sean Boll |
sboll@commack.k12.ny.us |
JV |
Greg Filaseta |
gfilaseta@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS |
Eric Kast |
ekast@commack.k12.ny.us |
Lacrosse (Girls) |
Varsity |
Melissa Read |
mread@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
Jill Hewlett |
jhewlett@commack.k12.ny.us |
JV |
Victoria Varone |
vvarone@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS |
Dave Moran |
dmoran@commack.k12.ny.us |
Softball |
Varsity |
Harold Cooley |
hcooley@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
Gabrielle Puglia |
gpuglia@commack.k12.ny.us |
JV |
Patrick Clancy |
pclancy@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS |
Lorisa Martinez |
lmartinez@commack.k12.ny.us |
Tennis (Boys) |
Varsity |
Joe Pugh |
jpugh@commack.k12.ny.us |
JV |
Joe Brandofino |
jbrandofino@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS |
Keith Reyling |
kreyling@commack.k12.ny.us |
Spring Track (Boys) |
Varsity |
Matt Weinstein |
mweinstein1@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
Paul Sleavensky |
psleavensky1@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Coed Assistant |
Matthew Cardinale |
mcardinale@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS |
Paul Slackman |
pslackman@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS Assistant |
Cory New |
cnew@commack.k12.ny.us |
Spring Track (Girls) |
Varsity |
Tracie Morenberg |
tmorenberg@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Assistant |
Ed Boll |
eboll@commack.k12.ny.us |
Varsity Coed Assistant |
Rob Raeihle |
rraeihle@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS |
Jeff DiLorenzo |
jdilorenzo@commack.k12.ny.us |
MS Assistant |
Jason Fluger |
jfluger@commack.k12.ny.us |
Commack’s parents and professional staff believe that active student participation in athletics is vital to the development of a well-rounded individual. In keeping with this belief, we will continue to encourage student involvement, emphasizing the honor and privilege of representing Commack Schools as an athlete.
We hold high expectations for academic achievement of all student athletes and expect them to maintain those standards. The honor of participation carries with it the responsibility of Commack’s students to present themselves as role models. Athletes represent not only themselves, but also their coach, their team, the Commack student body, and the Commack community. They are therefore expected to act in a responsible manner at all times. As part of the commitment to a team, regular attendance at practices and games throughout the sports season and conformity to the rules established by the District is expected.
Read the full document here
FALL: Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Boys Golf, Girls Gymnastics, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming, Girls Tennis, Boys Volleyball, Girls Volleyball
WINTER: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys Bowling, Girls Bowling, Boys Fencing, Girls Fencing, Boys Swimming, Boys Track, Girls Track, Unified Bowling, Wrestling
SPRING: Baseball, Co-Ed Badminton, Unified Basketball, Girls Flag Football, Girls Golf, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Boys Tennis, Boys Track, Girls Track
FULL YEAR: Cheerleading, Danceline, Funk, Kickline, Pom
FALL: Cheerleading, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Kickline/Danceline, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis
EARLY WINTER: Boys Basketball, Cheerleading, Girls Volleyball
LATE WINTER: Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball, Wrestling
SPRING: Baseball, Girls Gymnastics, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Boys Tennis, Boys Track, Girls Track
Participating in any physical activity carries the risk of injuries. The Commack School District’s Athletic Program is prepared for all on-field or on-court traumas or emergency situations.
General Safety Protocols
All Physical Education (PE) teachers and all coaches are required to acquire “Concussion Certification.”
All coaches at the middle school and high school are First Aid, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) certified.
There is at least one AED in each school building, and an AED is always present on the athletic field, whether games are at home or away. An ambulance and doctor are present for all varsity, junior varsity, and middle school football games.
All contact sports equipment is reconditioned and tested by an outside company annually to detect any damage or imperfections. Through this process, subpar equipment is discarded.
Locker rooms and weight training rooms are disinfected with a safe but effective product on a daily basis to prevent the spread of germs. The same is true of wrestling mats that might otherwise harbor bacteria.
Concussions and head injuries are unfortunately a commonly reported injury in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational activities. A sideline concussion protocol is followed for all athletes.
The five component plan (below) also includes education for parents and students, proper Emergency Room follow-up, and necessary “Return to Play Protocol.” Baseline neurocognitive impact testing (computer based) is done preseason for all varsity and junior varsity contact sports athletes. This baseline testing is repeated every two years, through St. Charles Hospital.
During each season’s mandatory parent athletic code nights, concussion protocol/education is presented to parents.
A PTA Athletic Advisory Board also meets monthly with our Athletic Director, Patrick Friel, to discuss any matters that may arise. If you have any questions about Commack’s safeguards or procedures, please contact our Athletic Director, Patrick Friel, at 912-2080.
Overview: The Commack Athletic Program recognizes that concussions and head injuries are a commonly reported injury in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational activities. The District uses the following guidelines to assist in the proper evaluation and management of head injuries.
Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. Concussions occur when normal brain functioning is disrupted by a blow or jolt to the head. Recovery from concussion will vary. Avoiding re-injury and over-exertion until fully recovered are the cornerstones of proper concussion management.
Any student demonstrating signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion while participating in interscholastic athletic activity will be removed from the game or activity and be evaluated immediately, and will not return to play that day. Commack School District will notify the student’s parents or guardians and recommend appropriate monitoring.
Concussion Management Team: The Commack School District will assemble a concussion management team (CMT). The CMT will consist of the athletic director, school nurse, athletic trainer, school physician, and/or outside consultants as deemed necessary. The District’s CMT will coordinate the training for all coaches and students.
Commack Public Schools Concussion Management Plan
The concussion program consists of five components:
Letter from St. Charles Hospital Think Smart! Concussion Management Program
Concussion Q & A for Parents
Click here for more info about concussion management testing
March 4, 2025
Wrestler Brady C. and girls basketball guard Sofia V. were selected athletes of the winter season
February 19, 2025
On Monday, the kickline squad’s team bus was escorted to the high school by the chiefs of the Commack Fire Department with sirens blaring
February 3, 2025
McConnell has loyally served as the athletic trainer for CHS teams and teaches physical education and health classes