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As the Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletics, my goal is to continually improve all areas of our program and to find new and meaningful experiences for all our students and athletes, grades kindergarten through 12. I am glad to be working in a caring community which supports health, wellness and athletics. We recognize the value of ensuring that every child has a balanced learning experience, and we continually explore new methods and revise traditional ones to ensure the wellness, health, and fitness of our students. We also promote social-emotional growth and help our students to become caring, open-minded, and respectful of others in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. 

Presently Commack athletes can participate in every sport offered in Suffolk County. We recognize that participation in athletics gives students the opportunity to develop specific skills they possess and to discover new talents. But, in Commack, we are also committed to the development of the complete student-athlete. We expect all the participants in our athletic program to demonstrate not only athletic ability, but also academic achievement, good citizenship, and a sense of responsibility and accountability. We are also cognizant of issues in our society that have affected athletic programs nationwide, and we have taken steps with our athletes and coaches to prevent, for example, hazing and sexual harassment, and to promote internet safety. For specific information, please refer to the district code of conduct and athletic guidelines that address student expectations. 

In the past, we have been honored with eight New York State School of Distinction Awards which gave all of our varsity athletic teams scholar-athlete status. This was an amazing accomplishment.  We have also been fortunate enough to win the New York State Healthy Stars Award for overall healthy policies and practices district-wide and the New York Good Sports Award indicative of our strong sportsmanship policies and practices. The Commack district has completed training in comprehensive school health practices from the American School Health Association, in recognition of our district’s dedication to health and wellness. 

Beyond directing and supporting an outstanding health, physical education, and athletics program, I am committed to fostering good communications with students and their parents. I believe in the value of our partnership and know that, by speaking with one another frequently, openly, and respectfully, we can be proactive in the prevention of potential problems. I invite parents to speak directly with the teachers and coaches of their sons and daughters, with the goal in mind of making the educational experience a productive one for each individual child. I also welcome communications parents may have with our lead teachers and athletic coordinators at Commack Middle School and Commack High School. Please know that I am available to you at any time.

Patrick Friel Signature


A man is sitting at a desk and smiling.

Patrick Friel

Director of Health and Physical Education

(631) 912-2080

CHS Lead Teacher Ed Boll: 912-2144

CMS Athletic Coordinator Jason Fluger: 858-3515

CMS Lead Teacher: Michael Kullack: 858-3512





2:45 – 3:15 PM

Badminton – Room 141

Baseball – Auxiliary Gym

Girls Flag Football – North Gym

Girls Golf – Room 143

Boys Lacrosse - Room 144

Girls Lacrosse – Room 146

Softball – North Gym (back 1/3 of gym)

Boys Tennis – Room 142

Boys Spring Track – South Gym (half gym)

Girls Spring Track – South Gym (half gym)

CMS Spring 2025 Final Forms Letter

Dear CHS Parents and Athletes, 

We will continue to use Final Forms as our platform for athletic clearance. Final Forms allows you to complete and sign required athletic participation forms from your computer, tablet or mobile device. This system saves data season-to-season and year-to-year and pre-populates information wherever possible, saving you time if you have multiple children.
Starting with the Spring 2025 season, you must register for a sport using Final Forms. As of 2023, NY State requires that the new Health Exam Form with the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Law Requirement be completed by your child’s physician and uploaded into Final Forms. If you currently have a valid physical in Final Forms, you do not need to upload it again or get a new physical until it expires (physical exams remain valid for 1 year).  However, sport registration must be completed through Final Forms online in order to be cleared to play this Spring.
Final Forms will send you automatic notifications once information is entered into the system.  It will inform you of when a physical is close to the expiration date and you will be able to see if your child has been cleared to play.
Final Forms will be open for registration as follows (students can only choose 1 sport per season)
Registration for JV and Varsity spring sports 2025 opens February 17 and closes on March 17.
Boys & Girls Badminton, Baseball, Girls Flag Football, Girls Golf, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Boys Tennis, Boys & Girls Spring Track.
Please register at:
Follow the prompts to create your account, create your students and sign your forms. Click on the Parent Playbook for additional guidance. 

If you require any support with Final Forms during the process, scroll to the page bottom and click 'Use Support'. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in streamlining processes, boosting compliance and increasing safety in the Commack District Athletic Department.
Patrick Friel

2025-2026 Fall Sports Start Dates

       COMMACK HS - Varsity & JV – 8/25/25


            Boys & Girls Cross Country

            Field Hockey

            *Football – See Below

            Boys Golf


            Kickline (TBD)

            Boys & Girls Soccer

            Girls Swim

            Girls Tennis

            Boys & Girls Volleyball


*Football – 8/18/25 – NYSPHSAA & Section XI approved 2025 high school football teams (JV & Varsity)

to begin practicing as early as 8/18/25



            COMMACK MS 7th & 8th Graders ONLY – 9/2/25


            Boys & Girls Cross Country

            Field Hockey


            Boys & Girls Soccer

            Girls Tennis


       Kickline -  6th, 7th, & 8th Graders

  • Badminton

    Head Coach

    Email Address


    Jesus Valdes

    Varsity Assistant

    Jackie DelliSanti








    Matthew Salmon

    Varsity Assistant

    George Kearnes


    James Desmond

    MS Gold

    Jon Miale

    MS White

    James Cardinale




    Flag Football




    Augie Contressa

    Varsity Assistant

    Andrew Mayrick




    Golf (Girls)




    Timothy Kunz




    Gymnastics (Girls)




    JoAnna Judge

    MS Assistant

    Kristen Pepe




    Lacrosse (Boys)




    William Grant

    Varsity Assistant

    Sean Boll


    Greg Filaseta


    Eric Kast




    Lacrosse (Girls)




    Melissa Read

    Varsity Assistant

    Jill Hewlett


    Victoria Varone


    Dave Moran








    Harold Cooley

    Varsity Assistant

    Gabrielle Puglia


    Patrick Clancy


    Lorisa Martinez




    Tennis (Boys)




    Joe Pugh


    Joe Brandofino


    Keith Reyling





    Spring Track (Boys)




    Matt Weinstein

    Varsity Assistant

    Paul Sleavensky

    Varsity Coed Assistant

    Matthew Cardinale


    Paul Slackman

    MS Assistant

    Cory New




    Spring Track (Girls)




    Tracie Morenberg

    Varsity Assistant

    Ed Boll

    Varsity Coed Assistant

    Rob Raeihle


    Jeff DiLorenzo

    MS Assistant

    Jason Fluger



    Commack’s parents and professional staff believe that active student participation in athletics is vital to the development of a well-rounded individual. In keeping with this belief, we will continue to encourage student involvement, emphasizing the honor and privilege of representing Commack Schools as an athlete. 

    We hold high expectations for academic achievement of all student athletes and expect them to maintain those standards. The honor of participation carries with it the responsibility of Commack’s students to present themselves as role models. Athletes represent not only themselves, but also their coach, their team, the Commack student body, and the Commack community. They are therefore expected to act in a responsible manner at all times. As part of the commitment to a team, regular attendance at practices and games throughout the sports season and conformity to the rules established by the District is expected.

    Read the full document here

  • FALL: Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Boys Golf, Girls Gymnastics, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming, Girls Tennis, Boys Volleyball, Girls Volleyball

    WINTER: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys Bowling, Girls Bowling, Boys Fencing, Girls Fencing, Boys Swimming, Boys Track, Girls Track, Unified Bowling, Wrestling

    SPRING: Baseball, Co-Ed Badminton, Unified Basketball, Girls Flag Football, Girls Golf, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Boys Tennis, Boys Track, Girls Track

    FULL YEAR: Cheerleading, Danceline, Funk, Kickline, Pom

  • FALL: Cheerleading, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Kickline/Danceline, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis

    EARLY WINTER: Boys Basketball, Cheerleading, Girls Volleyball

    LATE WINTER: Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball, Wrestling

    SPRING: Baseball, Girls Gymnastics, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Boys Tennis, Boys Track, Girls Track

  • Participating in any physical activity carries the risk of injuries. The Commack School District’s Athletic Program is prepared for all on-field or on-court traumas or emergency situations.

    General Safety Protocols

    All Physical Education (PE) teachers and all coaches are required to acquire “Concussion Certification.”

    All coaches at the middle school and high school are First Aid, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) certified.

    There is at least one AED in each school building, and an AED is always present on the athletic field, whether games are at home or away. An ambulance and doctor are present for all varsity, junior varsity, and middle school football games.

    All contact sports equipment is reconditioned and tested by an outside company annually to detect any damage or imperfections. Through this process, subpar equipment is discarded.

    Locker rooms and weight training rooms are disinfected with a safe but effective product on a daily basis to prevent the spread of germs. The same is true of wrestling mats that might otherwise harbor bacteria.

  • Concussions and head injuries are unfortunately a commonly reported injury in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational activities. A sideline concussion protocol is followed for all athletes.

    The five component plan (below) also includes education for parents and students, proper Emergency Room follow-up, and necessary “Return to Play Protocol.” Baseline neurocognitive impact testing (computer based) is done preseason for all varsity and junior varsity contact sports athletes. This baseline testing is repeated every two years, through St. Charles Hospital.

    During each season’s mandatory parent athletic code nights, concussion protocol/education is presented to parents.

    A PTA Athletic Advisory Board also meets monthly with our Athletic Director, Patrick Friel, to discuss any matters that may arise. If you have any questions about Commack’s safeguards or procedures, please contact our Athletic Director, Patrick Friel, at 912-2080.

    Overview: The Commack Athletic Program recognizes that concussions and head injuries are a commonly reported injury in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational activities. The District uses the following guidelines to assist in the proper evaluation and management of head injuries.

    Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. Concussions occur when normal brain functioning is disrupted by a blow or jolt to the head. Recovery from concussion will vary. Avoiding re-injury and over-exertion until fully recovered are the cornerstones of proper concussion management.

    Any student demonstrating signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion while participating in interscholastic athletic activity will be removed from the game or activity and be evaluated immediately, and will not return to play that day. Commack School District will notify the student’s parents or guardians and recommend appropriate monitoring.

    Concussion Management Team: The Commack School District will assemble a concussion management team (CMT). The CMT will consist of the athletic director, school nurse, athletic trainer, school physician, and/or outside consultants as deemed necessary. The District’s CMT will coordinate the training for all coaches and students. 

    Commack Public Schools Concussion Management Plan 

    The concussion program consists of five components: 

    1. Education
    2. Baseline neurocognitive testing using the ImPACT product
    3. Proper sideline management/guidelines
    4. Proper Emergency Room follow-up
    5. Proper Return to Play Protocol/Clearance back to athletics

    Letter from St. Charles Hospital Think Smart! Concussion Management Program

    Concussion Q & A for Parents

    Click here for more info about concussion management testing