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Excellence in Education

District News

Posts 51-75 of 279

CHS Seniors Earn National Merit Finalist Recognition

Edwin J., Irene M. and Andreas M. achieved the distinction

SEL Family Book Club Takes Shape

Tricia Sonsire's ambition to share social emotional learning techniques with families as well as students continued to materialize

Burr Pay It Forward Club Spreads Cheer Through Art

The students used multicolored cupcake paper cups to make flowers that they will share with others to make them feel good

Sawmill Hosts Health and Wellness Day

The speakers included registered nurses, a neurologist, optician, physical therapist, cardiologist, kickboxer, martial artist and yoga instructors

BOE Special Meeting - Feb. 27, 2025

In accordance with the provisions of the “Open Meetings Law,” the Board of Education of the Commack Union Free School District shall hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 6:00 p.m

Rolling Hills Students Build Structures during Lunch and Learn Program

The students experience the lunch and learn program monthly

College Photography, Ceramics Students Draw Inspiration at Nassau County Museum of Art

The students initially toured the scenic grounds, which included several metal and stone sculptures

CHS Peer Leaders Polish Skills to Assist Freshmen

Kim Laube from HUGS Inc. led group exercises to train the CHS juniors and seniors in different styles of leadership

Primary Students Celebrate 100th Day of Learning

Oh how our primary students have aged during the break!

CHS Senior Qualifies for Prestigious Math Honor

The AIME is a rigorous competition for students who have demonstrated exceptional mathematical talent

Indian Hollow Prepares for 100th Day with Museum Exhibit

Students and their families toured the 100-day-themed creations throughout the day

CHS Students Play Kahoot Trivia Game while Celebrating Kindness Week

The trivia questions touch on topics including positive self-image and relationships

Rolling Hills Hosts Teddy Bear Clinic

Stony Brook Children’s Hospital visited kindergarten classes to teach about the importance of wearing helmets while riding bicycles

CHS Peer Leaders Help Prep Eighth Graders for High School

Hearing from students supplements the work of counselors and gives the eighth graders a firsthand account of the transition

CMS Students Design Friendship Bracelets ahead of P.S. I Love You Day

​​​​​​​The students had the opportunity to create messages on the bracelets, including words such as 'kind,' 'brave,' 'unique,' and 'amazing.'

Cougarettes Capture Pair of National Titles in Sunshine State!

On Monday, the kickline squad’s team bus was escorted to the high school by the chiefs of the Commack Fire Department with sirens blaring

Burr Third Graders Prepare Gift Boxes for Local Shelters

The classes made a difference in the community on Tuesday

CHS Students Build Bridges, Eye March 14 Brookhaven National Lab Competition

The students on Friday were completing and testing their wooden structures

BOE Regular Meeting - Feb. 13, 2025

In accordance with the provisions of the “Open Meetings Law,” the Board of Education of the Commack Union Free School District shall hold its Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 6:00 p.m

CHS Students Pen Letters of Kindness to Peers, Teachers, Parents

With the author's consent, the message will be read on the public-address system during the morning announcements on Friday

CHS Students Inspired to be 'All In' from Acclaimed Motivational Speaker

Gian Paul Gonzalez’s message helped motivate the New York Giants to a victory against the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLVI

CHS Pippin Stars Recognized by Roger Rees Foundation

Julia G. and Tosia S. have being selected to perform an in-person audition

Commack Students Write Valentine’s For Veterans

Veterans Army Sgt. Dominic Cutalo and Marines Corps Commander Rocky Paduano made stops at the Hubbs Administration Building, Rolling Hills, Sawmill and Wood Park Friday Afternoon

CHS English Honor Society Wraps Up 'Blind Date with a Book' Event

The wrapped books will be available in the cafeteria for CHS students to take on Valentine's Day

Eagles Win Sawmill Souper Bowl

Sawmill students collected nearly 200 cans